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Personal Portfolio

Muhammadrabi's github profile

a portfolio website using React and Tailwind CSS.


Sahilll15's github profile

Anonymous_Social is a unique social media platform where users can post comments and manage their profiles anonymously. Built using Node.js, ReactJS, ExpressJS, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB, this platform ensures user privacy while fostering engaging interactions.

Chrome Dinosaur Game

Atharvashirsh's github profile

This is a simple Dinosaur Game made using Pygame module in Python.

Travel Agency

Princessayomide53's github profile

Jadoo is the Name, it's a travel agency website that can helps people with their traveling into another country and enable them book any flight of their choice

Expense Tracker

Saurav-Pant's github profile

This project is based on the concept of expense tracker. It is a simple project that helps the user to track their expenses.

Spotify Clone

vishnu-mouli-102408's github profile

Spotify-Clone is a web application that mimics the functionality of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. Users can create an account, search for music by artist, album or track, create playlists, and listen to music.

Shopping Cart JS

WajeehaCodes's github profile

The javascript Shopping Cart project is a web application that allows users to browse and purchase products. It provides a seamless and interactive shopping experience by implementing a shopping cart functionality using javascript.


suravshrestha's github profile

An Artificial Intelligence application for predicting skin diseases.

File Zipping Software

neekamhrzn's github profile

Loseless Compression reduces file's size with no loss of quality. This project takes in .txt file as input and produces .huf file which takes less storage space. It also converts .huf file into original .txt file.

Wave: Discord Bot

HartzFrequency's github profile

Wave is a Discord bot which is made using Python to resolve the problem which is an external software requirement for recording voice chats of DIscord channels, this discord bot aims enabling you to record the conversations and can provide you the recording of chat